Raspberry Pi at Amazon re:invent

Raspberry Pi at Amazon Re:invent

Want to see us build a virtual machine for the Amazon cloud at the re:Invent show? Come on over to our booth (K14) and we’ll show you. It’s simple to add a virtual appliance build step to any application build.

Well, that took nine seconds. What else can we do? How about a hardware giveaway? Since your virtual machines are going to take so little of your time, you should have plenty of time to play with a fun hardware kit.

Raspberry Pi media kit

We’ve got some Raspberry Pi media kits to give away. Not just the board, this kit includes

  • Raspberry Pi Model B+ Board

  • 8GB Operating System microSD Card

  • Multicomp Black B+ Case

  • Raspberry Pi Power Supply

  • Wi-Pi Wireless Adapter

  • 3’ HDMi Cable

  • 7’ Ethernet Cable

Just the thing for a home media center, or a starting point for a more ambitious project such as a vintage arcade.

Amazon re:Invent is sold out, but you can sign up for streaming if you’re not able to make it.

You can keep up with the latest OSv news from this blog’s feed, or folllowing @CloudiusSystems on Twitter. Hope to see you at the show.
